The Board of Directors is committed to achieving and 
demonstrating the highest standards of corporate governance. 
This is considered to be essential for the long term performance 
and sustainability of the Group, and to protect and enhance the 
interests of shareholders and other key stakeholders. 

The Board regularly reviews the Group’s governance 
arrangements, as well as developments in market practice, 
expectations and regulation. Subject to the exceptions as noted 
in the Group’s Corporate Governance Statement, the Group’s 
corporate governance arrangements conform to the Corporate 
Governance Principles and Recommendations (3rd Edition) 
issued by the ASX Corporate Governance Council (“ASX 
Corporate Governance Principles”). The exceptions relate to the 
current composition of the Board’s Audit Risk Management and 
Compliance Committee and the Nomination and Remuneration 
Committee as a consequence of a temporary Board vacancy, 
which will be remedied as soon as an additional non-executive 
director, currently being recruited, is appointed.

The Corporate Governance Statement has been approved by 
the Board and is current as at 10 September 2015. The 
statement outlines the Group’s main corporate governance 
practices in place during the financial year ended 30 June 2015, 
and currently. A copy of the Group’s Corporate Governance 
Statement can be found in the Corporate Governance section 
of the McPherson’s Limited website which is located at  